Jinja Safari


 I was starving last night when I finished work so I bought two sausage rolls to eat on the way home and I wolfed down one, but the excitement and nerves set in and I could not take a bite out of the second sausage roll. I haven’t been this excited to see a live gig since I was gearing up to see Mumford & Sons last year. All the hype was worth it when Jinja Safari took to stage.

They started off with great energy and kept it up till the very end. Highlights of the night: Mermaids and when Pepa crowd surfed on a body board. I really wish I had captured that on camera. But unfortunately Pepa didn’t stay up for too long.

The music was excellent. They use a vast variety of instruments (sitar was a highlight too!) and captured the African Jungle vibe well. There are so many levels to each and every song. I already knew and loved their songs so there wasn’t much wrong Jinja Safari could do. I just wished they had been able to play a few more of my favourites, like Miracle To Burn or Vagabond.

I started noticing the flute a bit more in their new album. Toothless Grin is a highlight and I just went crazy every time Pepa pulled it out.  DSC07634

DSC07641 Their talents of performance was great. They were just a genuinely happy bunch of people and you could see that they loved what they did and they were happy to be there. Pepa had a perpetual smile on and Marcus and Jacob’s banter on stage was entertaining. The crowd involvement was great and everyone had fun.

The one thing I regret is not checking out their posters, which some of them were designed by the band members. Ah well, next time. Because there definitely will be a next time.

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