Food of 2018

It’s 2019 tomorrow! I love New Year’s Day. It has such a fresh feeling about it. Full of possibilities and resolutions, and I do love making New Year Resolutions. It’s nice to start the year with goals and ambitions.

My resolutions always include food (as well as reading and fitness resolutions). And they do evolve over the year. Some become a bit more realistic, some breaks into smaller goals and some, I have to let go as I realise I’m not prioritising it as much as I thought I would.

One of the biggest things I learnt this year was to focus on one thing. And try not to do too much. I didn’t stop doing some other things I love, like painting, but I did start giving a 110% for my food and blog this year, and I can see the difference. I loved the connections I’ve made this year, with different foodies, and been able to share more and more of my favourite recipes.


Riha Folhi (Turmeric Crepes with Tuna filling)

Rihafolhi Turmeric crepes with curried tuna filling

This recipe is one of the most special recipes I’ve shared. Riha folhi, a savoury crepe, filled with a curried tuna filling, is one of my favourite Maldivian snacks. I don’t remember when I started loving it and claiming it as my favourite, but as far as I can remember, the Riha folhi my Grandma makes beats all other Riha folhi.

I’ve never seen anyone else make the curry paste for Riha folhi like my Grandma does. As with any traditional food, there are many variations to this. Some people like using dried tuna to fill the crepe, my Mum adds some coconut milk when making the crepe and some people roll it differently to what my Grandma does. But all in all, it combines to make this delicious Maldivian delicacy that I could eat all day long.
